Wednesday 13 October 2010

Review of: Generation Dead – Daniel Waters

Published: July 2008 - Simon & Schuster Children's

Generation Dead's plot revolves around Phoebe, a goth, who has a crush on a guy who is dead, in an area where teenagers are no longer staying dead, instead coming back as zombies.

My Rating: 1 out of 5

A book full of fantasy, in this case zombies – a strange concept that brought me to read this book, but something was missing. Granted there are the problems about love and such, it is just that there are no true solid foundations, no concrete events, so much so that it seems as it is missing a key ingredient in making the story work – passion. Not the love passion, the passion that I feel you need to drive the characters, a passion for the characters themselves. The characters are quite one-sided with not much going for them in terms of liking them - they fail to have energy, making the dialogue somewhat limp and the story drag on just that bit too long.

For me, it did not inspire me or in fact generate that much reaction – it was a read that filled time when I was bored, but nothing more - I don’t feel like I need to read the next one (Kiss of Life). Disappointing considering how much I normally love this genre – the plot was fine and had slight structure yet even this was let down by the narrative.

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