Friday 5 November 2010

Review of: Message in a Bottle – Nicholas Sparks

Published: November 2007 – Sphere

A letter written to “my dearest Catherine” washes up on a beach where Theresa Osborne is on holiday; Sparks takes you on her journey as she sets about uncovering who wrote this mysterious letter and the funny and emotional events that follows upon the discovery.

My Rating: 3 out of 5

Once more, Sparks writes with a level of eloquence that is rare to find – taking you through a range of emotions that some novels fail to do, but doing so in a way that makes the plot both original and utterly believable.

The novel’s intricate development from grieving lost loves to finding innocent loves makes for a splendid read, however, it was slightly predictable and at times the actions of the characters strayed from how they had been developed, then again, we all do stupid things with regards to love. However, it did not <i>wow</i> me to the extent of some of Sparks’ other books – perhaps due to the rather promiscuous circumstances or something else.

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